ACTIVESemantic for anything related to something currently active.
This is highly contextual.
DIRTYSemantic for anything related to something that has been changed, and is not yet saved.
ERRORSemantic for anything related to an error, or dangerous behavior that often requires user action.
INFOSSemantic for anything related to general information.
LOADINGSemantic for something that is loading and will lead to a noticeable outcome.
when a progress can be communicated to the user, otherwise prefer WAITING
PROCESSINGSemantic for anything related to processing.
This is an alternative state for LOADING
, for cases where no noticeable outcome is expected.
READYSemantic for anything related to something being ready.
WAITINGSemantic for anything that requires the user to wait.
This is an alternative state for LOADING
, when no visible progress can be provided to the user.
WARNINGSemantic for anything related to anything that should be important & emphasized to the used.