⁘ common


Wraps a list of common 'flags' semantic flags used through the framework.
These are primarily used as css class name to drive feedbacks in components.


read-onlyACTIVE :string

Semantic for anything related to something currently active.
This is highly contextual.

read-onlyDIRTY :string

Semantic for anything related to something that has been changed, and is not yet saved.

read-onlyERROR :string

Semantic for anything related to an error, or dangerous behavior that often requires user action.

read-onlyINFOS :string

Semantic for anything related to general information.

read-onlyLOADING :string

Semantic for something that is loading and will lead to a noticeable outcome.
Use LOADING when a progress can be communicated to the user, otherwise prefer WAITING.

read-onlyPROCESSING :string

Semantic for anything related to processing.
This is an alternative state for LOADING, for cases where no noticeable outcome is expected.

read-onlyREADY :string

Semantic for anything related to something being ready.

read-onlyWAITING :string

Semantic for anything that requires the user to wait.
This is an alternative state for LOADING, when no visible progress can be provided to the user.

read-onlyWARNING :string

Semantic for anything related to anything that should be important & emphasized to the used.