⁘ common


Wraps a list of common string IDs used through the framework.
This exists primarily to avoid typos in property names, and streamline lookup for commonly used properties in certain part of the @nkmjs framework.


read-onlyCMD_LIST :string

read-onlyCMD_PRIMARY :string

read-onlyCMD_SECONDARY :string

read-onlyDATA :string

read-onlyICON :string

read-onlyMESSAGE :string

read-onlyMETAPREFIX :string

String prefix used to register metadata bindings (see data.core.Metadata)

read-onlyNAME :string

read-onlyOWNER :string

read-onlyPATH :string

read-onlyTITLE :string

read-onlyUID :string

A property often expected to be found in a class NFO.
It is looked-up by the common.helpers.BindingKit in order to make a class globally available through a string identifier.