Documentation semantics


There is a variety of custom tag associated with member and functions, the most common being access modifiers.
Since we're in javascript, these are merely semantic and cannot be enforced on a language level, but they give important information when it comes to how a function is intended to be used.

Tag Description


Static member or function


Protected member or function. Used internally


Read only member (has only a getter)


Intended for debug


Slow (usually because it triggers a reflow)


You most likely want to override this function (while retaining original behavior)

Note: A minimal version of these tag can be seen in the navigation menu, mostly to make it easy to spot 'override-me' functions & members.


If a function or member is inherited, and/or not overrided in a meaningful manner (== not worthy of having their doc printed in full), the full documentation is only accessible in the extended class -- which is linked anyway.

On top of that, some members have their doc flagged @discreet in the code source. A @discreet member or function is only documented in its original class, and its doc is not inherited in order to unclutter the doc from low-interest content. A good example of that are all the transformation members & functions in DisplayObject, which can only be seen in the base class but won't show up in inherited members.