🝓 Goal Pickers

An inventory of the available goal pickers modules.

🝓 Default

Match seeds to goals at the same index.

The Default picker …

🝓 Random

Match seeds to goals at a random index.

The Random picker …

🝓 Goal from Attribute

Match seed with goals picked at an attribute-specified index.

The Goal from Attribute picker …


🝰 Heuristics

An inventory of the available heuristics modules.

🝰 Heuristic Attribute

Attribute-driven heuristics

The Heuristic Attribute heuristic node …

🝰 Shortest Distance


The Shortest Distance heuristic node …

🝰 Feedback


The Feedback heuristic node …

🝰 Inertia


The Inertia heuristic node …

🝰 Steepness

Favor flat paths

The Steepness heuristic node …

🝰 Azimuth


The Azimuth heuristic node …

🝰 Least Nodes


The Least Nodes heuristic node …