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🝰 Inertia

Favor active direction preservation.

The Inertia heuristic uses the ongoing traversal data to try and maintain a consistent direction, as if the algorithm had β€œinertia”.

A single heuristics definition

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The Inertia heuristic samples the search stack of the algorithm to favor the averaged direction of the last few samples, adding β€œinertia” to the search algorithm.

Inertia can be hard to work with depending on the type of pathfinding you’re working with, and may not produce results as β€œsmooth” as one may expect given the name. However it does a good job when combined with other heuristics to overshoot the path from its starting point.


Property Description
Weight Factor Weight of this heuristic against other concurrent heuristics.
The higher the value, the more important it is during resolution.
Invert Whether the score of this heuristic should be inverted.
This effectively samples the score curve backwards.
Score Curve Curve over which the heuristic values will be remapped.
Inertia Settings
Samples THe number of samples that will be averaged from the current search location.
Ignore If Not Enough Samples Whether to use the fallback weight if there’s not enough samples available.
Fallback values
Global Inertia Score Since inertia requires a search history, it cannot be used to compute global score some algorithms rely on (A*). The specified value will be used as fallback instead.
Fallback Inertia Score This fallback score value is the one used if there is no or not enough samples.
Local Weight  
Use Local Weight Multiplier If enabled, this heuristic will be using a dynamic, per-point weight factor.
Local Weight Multiplier Source Whether to read the weight from Vtx or Edges points.
Local Weight Multiplier Attribute Attribute to read the local weight from.
UVW Seed Bounds-relative roaming seed point
UVW Goal Bounds-relative roaming goal point

Roaming seed/goal points are used as fallback in contexts that are using heuristics but don’t have explicit seed/goals; such as Cluster Refineβ€˜MST or Score-based refinements.