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🝊 Special Edges

PCGEx | Vtx : Special Edges

Gather infos from special-case edges

The Special Edges property outputs data about the two most extreme edges connected to a vertex β€” the shortest and longest β€” allowing users to capture attributes like direction, length, and indices for both, with an additional option to average all connected edges.

A single property writer

Table of content

The Special Edges property outputs the properties of the two β€œspecial” connected edges – special in the outlier sense : the Shortest connected edge, as well as the Longest connected edge.



Shortest Edge

Output Description
Direction Attribute
If enabled, writes the Shortest Edge’ direction to the specified attribute.
Invert Direction If enabled, will invert (*-1) the direction output above.
Length Attribute
If enabled, writes the Shortest Edge’’ length to the specified attribute.
Edge Index Attribute
If enabled, writes the Shortest Edge’’ point index to the specified attribute.
This is useful for targeted/cherry-picking manipulations.
Vtx Index Attribute
If enabled, writes the Vtx’ point index the Shortest Edge’ connects to, to the specified attribute.
This is useful for targeted/cherry-picking manipulations.
Neighbor Count Attribute
If enabled, writes the Vtx’ point neighbor count the Shortest Edge’ connects to, to the specified attribute.
Amongst other things, this can come in handy to drive the 🝰 Heuristic Attribute.

Longest Edge

Output Description
Direction Attribute
If enabled, writes the Longest Edge’ direction to the specified attribute.
Invert Direction If enabled, will invert (*-1) the direction output above.
Length Attribute
If enabled, writes the Longest Edge’’ length to the specified attribute.
Edge Index Attribute
If enabled, writes the Longest Edge’’ point index to the specified attribute.
This is useful for targeted/cherry-picking manipulations.
Vtx Index Attribute
If enabled, writes the Vtx’ point index the Longest Edge’ connects to, to the specified attribute.
This is useful for targeted/cherry-picking manipulations.
Neighbor Count Attribute
If enabled, writes the Vtx’ point neighbor count the Longest Edge’ connects to, to the specified attribute.
Amongst other things, this can come in handy to drive the 🝰 Heuristic Attribute.

Average Edge

A sub-selection of all connected’ edges average.

Output Description
Direction Attribute
If enabled, writes the averaged direction of all connected edges.
Invert Direction If enabled, will invert (*-1) the direction output above.
Length Attribute
If enabled, writes the averaged length of all connected edges.