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πŸ“ Goal from Attribute

Match seed with goals picked at an attribute-specified index.

The Goal from Attribute picker …

Table of content


Property Description
Goal Count Either a Single Goal or Multiple Goals
Attribute If Single Goal is specified, lets you specify a property or attribute which value will be used as an index within the input goals.
Attributes If Multiple Goal is specified, lets you specify a list of property or attribute which values will be used as an index within the input goals.
Index Safety Failsafe method if the picked Goal index is out of bounds.
See Index Safety

When using Multiple Goal, each seed will attempt to create one connection per entry in the array.
The attribute is fetched on the Seed input.

Index Safety

The index safety property controls how invalid/out of bounds input values are handled.

Safety method Β 
Ignore Invalid indices will be ignored and won’t be processed further.
Tile Index is tiled (wrapped around) the context’ valid min/max range.
Clamp Index is clamped between the context’ valid min/max range.
Yoyo Index bounces back and forth between the context’ valid min/max range.