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Working with Clusters

Vtx? Edges?

A summary of what “graph” means and entails in the context of PCGEx.

One of the main focus of PCGEx is working with Clusters : vtx & edge-based “graph” structures. They’re akin to a mesh without faces: a bunch of vertices connected by a bunch of edges.

PCGEx leverage PCG’ point data as data holders in order to enable easy tweaking and manipulation of edge/vertice data using existing vanilla nodes. In short, a graph is represented by at least two separate set of points: the first, Vtx represent individual vertices; others, Edges, represent interconnected clusters.
Edges points stores the indices of their start and end point in the matching Vtx group.

Because of that approach, nodes that work with graph require Vtx and Edges as separate inputs. Data Tags are used to mark which edges match which vertices, so you will see additional tags appear on your data, formatted as PCGEx/Cluster::UID.

Rule of thumb : If you manually alter (as in add or remove points) the content of a Vtx or Edges created by a PCGEx Node, make sure to use the Sanitize Clusters node before using them as inputs for other PCGEx nodes.



A Vtx has one important piece of data written on it, and their position in space is relied upon for edge metrics – Vtx being edges’ start and end points.

Cached Index

The PCGEx/CachedIndex attribute hold the index of the Vtx when it was written into a graph. This is the index PCGEx/EdgeStart and PCGEx/EdgeEnd refers to on the Edges points.
It is primarily useful to know whether the vtx structure has been altered or not, and ensure the graph is safe to use to avoid exceptions.

Cached Edge Num

The PCGEx/CachedEdgeNum attribute hold the number of edges connected to that Vtx when it was written into a graph. It is solely used for validation purposes when rebuilding a cluster to process it.

Note that this attribute can be reliably fetched to know how many unique edges are connected to a Vtx ;)


Rule of thumb : The only information that matter on Edges for clusters is their start and end attribute. Their position in space is ignored so feel free to use those points if they can be relevant to you.

Edges have a single important piece of data written on them, and everything else is pretty much ignored by PCGEx – meaning you can use the set of point almost as you see fit.

Edge Endpoints

The PCGEx/Endpoints attribute hold the cached index of its start Vtx when it was written into a cluster.


In PCGEx terms, a cluster is “a set of Vtx and Edges that are interconnected in a finite way” – in other words, there is a guaranteed way inside a cluster that a path can be found between any Vtx to any other Vtx when passing through Edges.

A graph usually has a single set of vertices, but will output as many edge datasets as there are clusters. These will be then rebuilt inside the nodes to be processed.

If you’re unhappy with how clusters have been split in your graph, is here to save your day!

Graph Output Settings 📌

This is a setting block you will see in a form or another on nodes that output sanitized clusters. They expose controls/filters over the Vtx/Edges output of the node to make sure the output is sanitized, i.e, that it can be safely traversed by pathfinding search algorithms.

See the Sanitize Clusters node for more infos, as it encapsulate the sanitization behavior embedded in many other nodes.

If you want more fleshed out controls over Edges data & positioning, check out Node!

Important Notes

Altering PCGEx/CachedIndex, PCGEx/CachedEdgeNum, PCGEx/EdgeStart or PCGEx/EdgeEnd voids the guarantee that PCGEx nodes will work as expected.

The UID used for the tagging is NOT deterministic, and will change at each execution of the graph, and for each node. It is used under the hood only, and should not be edited, nor relied upon for any kind of tag-related operations. For the same reason, if you create custom tags starting with PCGEx/Cluster::, it will break existing vtx/edge associations.
Because of the reliance on the tagging system, if you edit Vtx and Edges before using them with a PCGEx node, make sure tags are preserved.