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Edge Order

PCGEx | Cluster : Edge Order

Fix the order of edge start & end points

The Edge Order node fixes the endpoints order of edges, effectively turning clusters into directed graphs.

Endpoints of the input Edges
Edges associated with the input Vtxs
Sorting Rules
Sorting rules when this mode is selected
Endpoints of the output Edges
Edges associated with the output Vtxs

Table of content

The Edge Order node lets you fix the order of the start & end point on the edge. This enable to have full control with edge filters that work on endpoint comparison.



Direction (Order)

Property Description
Direction Method Defines which endpoints “order” will be used to define the direction reference for the ouputs.
Direction Choice Further refines the direction method, based on the above selection.
-Smallest to Greatest will order direction reference metrics in ascending order.
-Greatest to Smallest will order direction reference metrics in descending order.
Really it’s how the endpoint reference value is sorted, but I couldn’t call that Direction’ direction.
Dir Source Attribute The attribute that will be used by the selected method.

If the selected method is Edge Dot Attribute, the attribute will be read from Edges as an FVector direction.


The Direction method, combined with the Direction Choice determine which endpoint should be considered the Start & End of the edge. The “direction” of the edge used for computing outputs & properties is the safe normal going from the start to the end of the edge.

Mode Description
Endpoints order Will use the endpoints’ as ordered during cluster construction.
Endpoints indices Will use the endpoints’ point index.
Endpoints Sort Enables the use of any number of Sorting Rules to determine direction.
This method, while more expensive, is the most efficient.
Edge Dot Attribute Will use an attribute (converted to an FVector) from the edges’ and do a Dot Product with the edge’ direction.
This method, combined with Direction Choice offers full control over direction.
