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Edges Pathfinding

Find paths connecting seeds to goals.

The Edges Pathfinding mode …

Endpoints of the input Edges
Edges associated with the input Vtxs
Seed points
Goal points
🝰 Heuristics nodes that will be used by the pathfinding search algorithm
A point collection per path found

Table of content

DOC TDB – Heuristics underwent a thorough refactor that isn’t documented yet. Each heuristic has its own node and they can be combined into the heuristic input of the pathfinding node. See the example project!


Property Description
Goal Picker The module that will be used to interpret and manipulate goals and seeds inputs.
Each module has individual settings and documentation – See Available Goal Pickers.
Add Seed to Path Prepends the seed position at the beginning of the output path.
This will create a point with the position of the seed.
Add Goal to Path Appends the goal position at the end of the output path.
This will create a point with the position of the goal.
Search Algorithm The search algorithm that will be used to solve pathfinding.
Each module has individual settings and documentation – See Available Search Algorithms.
Heuristics The base heuristics module that will be used during pathfinding.
Each module has individual settings and documentation – See Available Heuristics.
Heuristics Modifiers This property group is available no matter what Heuristics have been picked.
See 🝰 Heuristic Attribute.


Extra Weighting
Weight up Visited If enabled, points and edges will accumulate additional weight are paths are found.
This allows you to make “already in use” points & edges either more or less desirable for the next internal execution.
Visited Points Weight Factor The weight to add to points that have been visited. This is a multiplier of the Heuristic’ Modifiers Reference Weight.
The weight is added each time a point is used.
Visited Edges Weight Factor The weight to add to edges that have been visited. This is a multiplier of the Heuristic’ Modifiers Reference Weight.
The weight is added each time an edge is used.

Important note on weighting up visited Vtx and Edges:

  • The weight is only computed for the pathfinding node and isn’t carried over or cached.
  • Enabling this feature breaks parallelism. Tasks are still ran asynchronously, but each path must wait for the previous one to be computed. Impact is usually negligible, but if you have lots of paths, it may take noticeably more time to process.


Available 🝓 Goal Pickers modules

🝓 Default

Match seeds to goals at the same index.

The Default picker …

🝓 Random

Match seeds to goals at a random index.

The Random picker …

🝓 Goal from Attribute

Match seed with goals picked at an attribute-specified index.

The Goal from Attribute picker …

Available ⊚ Search modules


Dijkstra’s Algorithm

The Dijkstra’s Algorithm search mode …

A* Star

A* Algorithm

The A* Algorithm search mode …

Available 🝰 Heuristics modules

🝰 Heuristic Attribute

Attribute-driven heuristics

The Heuristic Attribute heuristic node …

🝰 Shortest Distance


The Shortest Distance heuristic node …

🝰 Feedback


The Feedback heuristic node …

🝰 Inertia


The Inertia heuristic node …

🝰 Steepness

Favor flat paths

The Steepness heuristic node …

🝰 Azimuth


The Azimuth heuristic node …

🝰 Least Nodes


The Least Nodes heuristic node …