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PCGEx’ blendings overview

This page centralizes documentation for Blending, allowing us to keep relevant content accessible without duplicating extensive details across individual pages; as many nodes have blending capabilities.

Table of content

There’s a lot of node in PCGEx that offer blending settings – and while what is blended is highly contextual, they all share the same settings.

Generally speaking, blending happens between at least two points, but it can sometimes be more, much more.
When a node creates new points, the final point’ properties and attributes is usually the result of all other blended points – however, certain nodes blend point properties into an existing point which changes slightly the behavior of the selected blendmode.


Property Description
Blending Filter How to filter which attributes are going to be blended.
This only applies to attribute, not points properties.
Filtered Attributes Based on the selected filter above, this is the list of attributes that will have to match it.
If the filter is inclusive (Include), only the listed attributes will be blended.
If the filter is exclusive (Exclude), listed attribute won’t be blended, but every other will be.
Default Blending This is the default blending applied to both point’ Attributes and Properties.
Per-attribute & per-property blending can be different.
Properties Overrides Lets you select per-property override modes, if you want them to be different from the selected default.
Attribute Overrides Lets you select per-attribute override modes, if you want them to be different from the selected default.

Blend modes

Blend Mode
placeholder.jpg None
No blending is applied, keep the original value.
placeholder.jpg Average
Average all sampled values.
placeholder.jpg Weight
Weights based on distance to blend targets. If the results are unexpected, try ‘Lerp’ instead.
placeholder.jpg Min
Component-wise MIN operation.
Keeps the smallest value of all inputs, per-component.
placeholder.jpg Max
Component-wise MAX operation.
Keeps the largest value of all inputs, per-component.
placeholder.jpg Copy
Copy the latest incoming value, in no particular order.
placeholder.jpg Sum
Component-wise sum of all the inputs.
placeholder.jpg Weighted Sum
Component-wise weighted sum of all the inputs.
What qualify as weight depends on context.
placeholder.jpg Lerp
Uses weight as lerp. If the results are unexpected, try ‘Weight’ instead.
Lerp only works properly for nodes that do a simple two-point blending..
placeholder.jpg Substract
Opposite of Sum, but substract all inputs.
placeholder.jpg Unsigned Min
Component-wise MIN operation on the absolute values, but preserve the value sign.
Keeps the smallest value of all inputs, per-component.
placeholder.jpg Unsigned Max
Component-wise MAX operation on the absolute values, but preserve the value sign.
Keeps the smallest value of all inputs, per-component.
placeholder.jpg Absolute Min
Component-wise MIN operation on the absolute values.
Keeps the smallest value of all inputs, per-component.
placeholder.jpg Absolute Max
Component-wise MAX operation on the absolute values.
Keeps the smallest value of all inputs, per-component.
placeholder.jpg Copy (Other)
Same as Copy, but copies the first incoming value.
Mostly only useful during attribute rolling and certain specific nodes.