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πŸ† Anisotropic

PCGEx | Probe : Anisotropic

Find connections in 16 directions

The Anisotropic probe …

A single probe, to be used with the 'Connect Points' node

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An anisotropic probe is a preset to find connection in 16 different directions over the X & Y axis.
Anisotropic pathfinding is a popular approach to finding high-level plots, it made sense to have an hardcoded version as opposed to hand crafting 16 directional probes to the same effect



Property Description
Settings Β 
Transform Direction If enabled, the direction of the probe will be adjusted by the current probing point’ transform.
If disabled, the direction is in world space.
Search Radius Β 
Search Radius Source The type of value used for this probe’ search radius; either a Constant value or fetched from anAttribute
Search Radius Constant Fixed radius of the probe.
Search Radius Attribute Per-point attribute value radius of the probe.
Dynamic radiuses can be super expensive if they are different for each probe: search will use the greatest radius to sample to octree for this point.

Contrary to πŸ† Direction, the anisotropic probe will always favor alignment over distance. Because of that, it often yields more β€˜canon’ results with grid-aligned points.