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Asset Collection to Set

PCGEx | Asset Collection to Set

Converts an asset collection to an attribute set.

The Asset Collection to Set offers a variety of options & settings to turn an Asset Collection to a more common Attribute Set.

Attribute Set
Attribute set from asset collection

Table of content

The Asset Collection to Set exists in order to support Attribute-set based workflows and still be able to rely and re-use Asset Collections in meaningful ways.

It’s a very straightfoward node that takes an Asset Collection as input and outputs an attribute set from that. Since an Asset Collection support the concept of nested collections, it can also be leveraged as an interesting way to generate random pre-selections of assets!


Property Description
Asset Collection The Asset Collection to build an attribute set from.
Sub Collection Handling Defines how sub-collection entries are handled during the generation process (more below)
Allow Duplicates Whether or not to allow duplicate entries inside the output attribute set.
(Same object path is considered a duplicate)
Omit Invalid and Empty Whether or not to strip out invalid or empty entries from the output attribute set.
(invalid or empty entries are null or invalid object paths)

Sub Collection Handling

Ignore Skips entry.
Expand Recursively add sub-collection entries.
Random Picks a random entry from the sub-collection, recursive until it’s a non-collection entry.
Random Weighted Picks a random weighted entry from the sub-collection, recursive until it’s a non-collection entry.
First Item Picks the first entry from the sub-collection, recursive until it’s a non-collection entry.
Last Item Picks the first entry from the sub-collection, recursive until it’s a non-collection entry.


You can choose which property from the Asset Collection to build the attribute set from.

Output properties
Asset Path FSoftbjectPath
Weight int32
Category FName
Extents FVector
BoundsMin FVector
BoundsMax FVector
Nesting Depth int32