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Create Shapes

PCGEx | Create Shapes

Create parametric shapes out of seed points

The Create Shapes node takes any number of Shape Builders as input and turn input seeds into those shapes.

Seed points for shape builders
Shape builders
Individual shape builder
Shape points

Table of content




Property Description
Mode How to ouput data.
See below.
Result Attribute Name
Name of the attribute the filter result will be written to.
Swap If enabled, inverts the combined result of the filters.
Partition Split input dataset in either Inside (filter passed) or Outside (filters failed) outputs.
Write Preserve input and write the result of the filter to an attribute.

Available Filters

🝖 AND / OR (Group)

Group multiple filters to set up complex AND/OR branches.

🝖 Compare Nearest (Numeric)

The Numeric Comparison Filter compares the arithmetic value of an attribute against the closest point from another dataset.

🝖 Compare (Numeric)

The Numeric Comparison Filter compares the arithmetic value of two attributes

🝖 Compare (String)

Compares two string-like attributes against each other.

🝖 Bool

Performs a simple boolean comparison, converting numeric values to true (> 0) or false (<= 0).

🝖 Within Range

Checks if an attribute value falls within a specified range.

🝖 Dot Product

Compares the dot product of two direction vectors against a third value.

🝖 Modulo Comparison

Compares the modulo of two attributes against a third operand, with configurable comparisons and tolerance.

🝖 Distance

Compare distance to closest target against a constant or attribute.

🝖 Bounds

Checks if a point is inside or outside the provided bounds, with options for bounds types and an epsilon adjustment.

🝖 Bitmask

Checks specific flags in an int64 bitmask attribute with configurable mask types, comparisons, and an option to invert results.

🝖 Random

Random filter.

🝖 Mean Value

The Mean Value Filter compares per-point values of an attribute against the mean statistical value of that same attribute.

🝖 Self Compare (Numeric)

Compares the numeric value at one index against the same attribute at another index.

🝖 Self Compare (String)

Compares the string value at one index against the same attribute at another index.

🝖 Spline Inclusion

Checks against how a point is included in a spline.

🝖 Path Inclusion

Checks against how a point is included in a path.