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πŸ” Minimum Spanning Tree

Implementation of Prim’s Minimum Spanning Tree algorithm.

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This module offers a highly customizable implementation of Prim’s algorithm to find the minimum spanning tree of individual clusters.
By design, the output is guaranteed to be sanitized (e.g, each cluster will retains its existing connectivity properties).

It relies on user-defined 🝰 Heuristics in order to build the tree, providing very high level of control.


Available Heuristics Modules

🝰 Heuristic Attribute

Attribute-driven heuristics

The Heuristic Attribute heuristic node …

🝰 Shortest Distance


The Shortest Distance heuristic node …

🝰 Feedback


The Feedback heuristic node …

🝰 Inertia


The Inertia heuristic node …

🝰 Steepness

Favor flat paths

The Steepness heuristic node …

🝰 Azimuth


The Azimuth heuristic node …

🝰 Least Nodes


The Least Nodes heuristic node …