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πŸ– Neighbors Count (Edge)

PCGEx | Cluster Filter : Neighbors Count (Edge)

Check a node’ neighbors count

The Neighbors Count filter compares the number of neighbors of each endpoints against a specified threhsold.

Edge Filter
A single cluster filter definition

Table of content

This filter takes the start & end points of an edge and compares the number of connections for each endpoint against a given threshold.



Property Description
Threshold Input Type of threshold value. Can be a per-edge point Attribute, or an easily overridable Constant.
Threshold Constant Constant threshold value.
Threshold Attribute
Attribute to read the threshold to compare the number of connections against.
Mode Define how the number of endpoint’ connections should be aggregated (or not) before the comparison is processed.
Comparison How the number of neighbors should be compared against the threshold.
See Numeric comparisons.
Tolerance Equality tolerance for near-value comparisons.
Invert If enabled, invert the result of the filter.


Sum The sum of adjacencies will be compared against the specified threshold.
Any At least one endpoint adjacency count must pass the comparison against the specified threshold.
Both Both endpoint adjacency count must individually pass the comparison against the specified threshold.