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πŸ† Closest

PCGEx | Probe : Closests

Connects to the closest point within a given radius

The Closest probe …

A single probe, to be used with the 'Connect Points' node

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This probes creates unique connections to the closest points within a radius, up to a maximum number.



Property Description
Max Connections Β 
Max Connection Source If enabled, the direction of the probe will be adjusted by the current probing point’ transform.
If disabled, the direction is in world space.
Max Connection Constant Fixed maximum connections for every point.
Max Connection Attribute Per-point attribute value maximum.
Coincidence Β 
Coincidence Prevention Tolerance If enabled, prevents multiple connections from happening in the same direction, within that tolerance.
This avoids the creation of overlapping edges when testing in near-collinear situations.

Note that connections skipped due to coincidence don’t count toward the maximum.

Search Radius Β 
Search Radius Source The type of value used for this probe’ search radius; either a Constant value or fetched from anAttribute
Search Radius Constant Fixed radius of the probe.
Search Radius Attribute Per-point attribute value radius of the probe.
Dynamic radiuses can be super expensive if they are different for each probe: search will use the greatest radius to sample to octree for this point.