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Partition Vertices

PCGEx | Cluster : Partition Vtx

Create per-cluster Vtx datasets

The Partition Vertices splits input vtx into separate output groups, so that each Edge dataset is associated to a unique Vtx dataset (as opposed to a shared Vtx dataset for multiple edge groups)

Endpoints of the input Edges
Edges associated with the input Vtxs
Endpoints of the output Edges
Edges associated with the output Vtxs

Table of content

The Partition Vertices node converts processes the input clusters and outputs matching pairs of dataset for each cluster. This guarantees that each Edges have a single, unshared Vtx dataset.


Contrary to other edge & cluster processors, this node does not produce a sanitized result.
If the input is unsanitized, you may have unexpected results.

This node primarily exists to allow certain advanced operations such as easily finding individual convex hull of isolated clusters.
This is not a default behavior as doing so can lead to greater cluster processing times.