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Properties : Edge

PCGEx | Cluster : Edge Properties

Compute edge extra data from its vertices

The Edge Properties node allows you to compute and write additional cluster-related data for edges, as well as “solidify” their bounds, giving them a more defined shape. The direction of the edge, from start to end, is determined by the chosen direction method and is used to influence outputs.

Endpoints of the input Edges
Edges associated with the input Vtxs
Endpoints of the output Edges
Edges associated with the output Vtxs

Table of content

The Edge Properties node lets you extract & write cluster-related properties to individual Edges points, as well as “solidify” the edge points (i.e giving their bounds an decent shape).




Property Description
Direction Method Defines which endpoints “order” will be used to define the direction reference for the ouputs.
Direction Choice Further refines the direction method, based on the above selection.
-Smallest to Greatest will order direction reference metrics in ascending order.
-Greatest to Smallest will order direction reference metrics in descending order.
Really it’s how the endpoint reference value is sorted, but I couldn’t call that Direction’ direction.
Dir Source Attribute The attribute that will be used by the selected method.

If the selected method is Endpoints Attribute, the attribute is will be read from Vtx as a double. If the selected method is Edge Dot Attribute, the attribute will be read from Edges as an FVector direction.


The Direction method, combined with the Direction Choice determine which endpoint should be considered the Start & End of the edge. The “direction” of the edge used for computing outputs & properties is the safe normal going from the start to the end of the edge.

Mode Description
Endpoints order Will use the endpoints’ as ordered during cluster construction.
Endpoints indices Will use the endpoints’ point index.
Endpoints Attribute Will use an attribute (converted to a Double) from the endpoints’
This method, combined with Direction Choice offers full control over direction.
Edge Dot Attribute Will use an attribute (converted to an FVector) from the edges’ and do a Dot Product with the edge’ direction.
This method, combined with Direction Choice offers full control over direction.



Property Description
Edge Length
Edge Direction
Endpoints Blending  
Endpoints Weights  
Blending Settings Defines how each enpoint’ property (Start and End Vtx) is blended into the edge.
See Blending.
Heuristics If enabled, will reveal a new Heuristic input.
This is used to ouput & debug the heuristic score of each edge.
Note that heuristics that require external parameters won’t work correctly and output a constant value.

Note on blending: this is a 2-point blend, hence Lerp yields more accurate results than Weight.


Solidifying an edge means computing its bounds so they visually connect the start & end point.
This makes edge point incredibly more useful than just “data holders”!


Solidification is fairly straightforward on paper, but in order to be flexible it also exposes an overwhelming amount of parameters.

Unreal has a visual bug in the detail panel: the first time you select a solidification axis, remaining axis’ properties will not show up. *You have to deselect the node then select it again for the details panel to properly refresh.

Property Description
Write Edge Position  
Edge Position Lerp  
Solidification Axis  
Solidification Lerp Operand  
Solidification Lerp Constant  

Note that if solidification is enabled, the specified Edge Position Lerp will override the Endpoints Weights specified for Outputs, to enforce consistency.


When a solidification axis is selected, lets you set the edge bounds’ remaining two axis as “radiuses”.
Each component shares the same following properties:

Radius Type  
Radius Constant  
Radius Attribute