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Voronoi 3D

PCGEx | Cluster : Voronoi 3D

Outputs a 3D Voronoi graph.

The Voronoi 3D node outputs a 3D Voronoi graph with options like balanced, canon, or centroid positioning. Adjust bounds, prune sites, and mark edges on the hull.

Points clouds that will be triangulated
Endpoints of the output Edges
Edges associated with the output Vtxs

See Example Project @ EdgesAndGraphs/PCGEx_Graph_Voronoi-3D

Table of content

This node creates a 3D Voronoi diagram from the input points. If you’d like to know more about Voronoi intrinsic properties, check out the Wikipedia article!



Property Description
Method Defines how the position of the Voronoi site is computed. See below for more infos.
Expand Bounds Value added on each axis of the initial input points bounds, used for maths & processes involving bounds.
Prune Out of Bounds Depending on the selected method, the diagram will produce out-of-bounds points (up to ±inf). Enabling this option lets you remove those points from the output.
Hull Attribute Name
If enabled, will flag output Vtx points that lie on the convex hull of the underlying Delaunay diagram.
Note that this is not the exact hull, but rather an approximation.
Mark Edge on Touch If enabled, edges that have at least a point on the Hull as marked as being on the hull; as opposed to only be marked as hull edges if both endpoints are on the hull.

Note that enabling Prune Out of Bounds points has a theorical risk of creating more than one finite cluster as a result.

Voronoi site position


placeholder.jpg Centroid
Uses the centroid of the Delaunay site.
While more visually pleasing, some concave sites may appear depending on the initial topology.
placeholder.jpg Canon (Circumcenter)
Uses the circumcenter of the Delaunay triangle.
This is the true voronoi algorithm, it guarantees only convex sites.
placeholder.jpg Centroid
Uses the centroid of the Delaunay site for the point that are outside the bounds, otherwise use circumcenters.
Best of both worlds, or worst of both worlds; depending on how you look at it.

Cluster Output Settings

See Working with Clusters - Cluster Output Settings.