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🝊 Edge Match

PCGEx | Vtx : Edge Match

Find the neighbors that best match a given direction


A single property writer

Table of content

The Edge Match property outputs the properties of the single connected edges that best matches a given direction.



Property Description
Origin Defines how the base direction is computed, either from the Node to the neighbor (going outward), or from the Neighbor to the node (going inward).
Direction Source Select where to read the direction to compare to from; either Constant or Attribute.
Direction Constant Fixed test direction.
Direction Attribute Per-point direction attribute.
Transform Direction If enabled, will transform the input direction (either Constant or Attribute) using the point’ transform.

Dot Comparison Details

Dot Comparison Details

Property Description
Comparison Which comparison to use.
See Numeric comparisons.
Dot Units Let you choose to work either with normalized dot range (-1 / 1) or degrees.
This affects how the attribute Dot value will be interpreted as well.
Unsigned Dot When enabled, the comparison will occur against an absolute dot value.
This is especially useful when testing against undirected lines.
Dot Value The type of value used for this probe’ search radius; either a Constant value or fetched from anAttribute
(Dot or Degrees) Constant Constant to compare against.
(Dot or Degrees) Attribute Constant to compare against.
(Dot or Degrees) Tolerance Comparison tolerance, if the selected comparison is an approximative (~) one.


Output Description
Direction Attribute
If enabled, writes the Edge’ direction to the specified attribute.
Invert Direction If enabled, will invert (*-1) the direction output above.
Length Attribute
If enabled, writes the Edge’ length to the specified attribute.
Edge Index Attribute
If enabled, writes the Edge’ point index to the specified attribute.
This is useful for targeted/cherry-picking manipulations.
Vtx Index Attribute
If enabled, writes the Vtx’ point index the selected Edge connects to, to the specified attribute.
This is useful for targeted/cherry-picking manipulations.
Neighbor Count Attribute
If enabled, writes the Vtx’ point neighbor count the selected Edge connects to, to the specified attribute.
Amongst other things, this can come in handy to drive the 🝰 Heuristic Attribute.