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🝱 Mesh Collection

Mesh Collection DataAsset

The Mesh Collection DataAsset is a list of Meshes with ISM/HISM Descriptors, that comes with all the Asset Collection goodies.

Table of content


Property Description
Entries Entries are a list of meshes (soft) references descriptor and their associated shared properties.
You really just need to set the Descriptor’ StaticMesh property for it to work.
Do Not Ignore Invalid Entries Forces distribution of this collection to NOT skip over invalid entries.
This can be useful to create β€˜weighted’ spaces, and can be overriden on a per-node basis.
Auto Rebuild Staging Enabled by default.
When enabled, any user-made modification to the asset collection will trigger a rebuilding of the staging data (saves you a click, in case your forget about it.)

Common properties

Common properties are properties shared amonst all asset collection’ entries

Property Description
Sub Collection Β 
Sub Collection If Is Sub Collection is enabled, lets you pick an Asset Collection that will work like a list of alternative choices for this entry.
Is Sub Collection Whether this entry is a sub-collection or not.
Enabling this option will reveal the Asset Collection picker.
Settings Β 
Weight The weight of this entry, relative to the others in the list.
Higher weights means higher chance of being picked, if the context is using weighted random selection.
Category A category associated with this entry. Think of it as a unique tag.

An entry Weight is not only used for Weighted Random selection, but is also used to sort entries in certain cases; among which Indexed Weight (Ascending/Descending) distribution mode of the Asset Staging node.


Optionally, you may enter a few random ranges for staging nodes to use, should you want to.
This can come in handy if you want to have high-level, per-asset variations.

Positions Additive
Offset Min Minimum offset range.
Offset Max Maximum offset range.
Absolute offset Whether the offset should be applied in world space, or β€œlocal” to the point’ transform.
Rotation Additive
Rotation Min Minimum rotation offset range.
Rotation Max Maximum rotation offset range.
Scale Multiplicative
Scale Min Minimum scale multiplier range.
Scale Max Maximum scale multiplier range.
Uniform Scale Whether the random scale multiplier should be applied per-component or uniformly (in which case it uses X for all components).

Note that variations are never applied by default by any nodes, and are considered an advanced tweak.