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πŸ† Direction

PCGEx | Probe : Direction

Connects to the closest point in a given direction

The Direction probe …

A single probe, to be used with the 'Connect Points' node

Table of content

This probes creates a single connections to another point in a specific direction, within an angular tolerance.



Property Description
Angle settings Β 
Use Component Wise Angle If enabled, the angle is checks Yaw, roll and pitch individually, as opposed to a cone.
For obvious reasons, using component-wise check is more expensive.
Max Angle Fixed maximum angle.
Max Angles Per-component maximum angle values.
Direction settings Β 
Direction Source The type of value used for this probe’ direction; either a Constant value or fetched from anAttribute
Direction Constant Constant direction, in world space.
Direction Attribute Per-point attribute value direction of the probe, in world space.
Transform Direction If enabled, the probe direction will be transformed by the probed point’ transform.
This is effectively turning world space direction to point-local space ones.
Other Settings Β 
Favor Which metric should be favored when checking direction.
See more below
Do Chained Processing Ignore this, it’s part of a greater, very situational optimization trick that needs its own doc.
Search Radius Β 
Search Radius Source The type of value used for this probe’ search radius; either a Constant value or fetched from anAttribute
Search Radius Constant Fixed radius of the probe.
Search Radius Attribute Per-point attribute value radius of the probe.
Dynamic radiuses can be super expensive if they are different for each probe: search will use the greatest radius to sample to octree for this point.

Favor distance vs alignment

placeholder.jpg Closest Position
Favors closer points over better angular alignment.
placeholder.jpg **Best Alignment **
Favors better aligned points over closer ones.



Angles are checked using a Dot Product operation, meaning the angle in degree is unsigned, and goes both sides of the direction.
This means you may find youself wanting to use halved metrics – i.e 45deg to get an absolute 90deg cone.