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Copy Cluster to Points

PCGEx | Cluster : Copy to Points

Creates copies of entire clusters to target points; much like Copy Points does.

The Copy Cluster to Points node duplicates entire clusters at specified target points, applying transformations like rotation and scale from the target points, similar to the Copy Points node but for clusters.

Endpoints of the input Edges
Edges associated with the input Vtxs
In Targets
Target points to copy input clusters to.
Endpoints of the output Edges
Edges associated with the output Vtxs

Table of content

The Copy Clusters to points is very much like the vanilla Copy Points node, but for clusters: it will create transformed copies of any input cluster at the target points’ location, accounting for rotation and scale.

This comes handy when you make use of Packing Clusters to store Clusters into data assets and want to “place” them somewhere specific.

Unlike Copy Points, this node outputs individual per-cluster datasets.



Property Description
Transform Details  
Inherit Scale If enabled, copied points will be scaled by the target’ scale.
Inherit Rotation If enabled, copied points will be scaled by the target’ rotation.