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Node Flag

PCGEx | Cluster : Node Flag

A single flag definition

The Node Flag uses a variety of filters to perform bitmask-based flag operations that can be set in three modes; Direct, Individual, or Composite, with various logical operations like AND, OR, NOT, and XOR.

Any number of filters. Supports both regular point filters as well as special cluster filters.
A single flag definition used along with a Flag Node node.
Pass Bitmask
(Advanced output) - Outputs the Pass State Flags as a re-usable bitmask.
Fail Bitmask
(Advanced output) - Outputs the Fail State Flags as a re-usable bitmask.

Table of content

The Node Flag, not to be confused with Flag Nodes, performs a single per-point bitmask-based operation on an incoming value; based on any number of input filters.



Property Description
Name If enabled, the direction of the probe will be adjusted by the current probing point’ transform.
If disabled, the direction is in world space.
Priority Fixed maximum connections for every point.
Pass State Flags If enabled, will apply the specified flags to the incoming bitmask when the filters are true.
See below for more infos on flag operation.
Fail State Flags If enabled, will apply the specified flags to the incoming bitmask when the filters return false.
See below for more infos on flag operation.

State Flags

Property Description
Mode The mode lets you choose how to set the flags value, as a user.
- Direct is probably the most useful, as it can be set using an override pin.
- Individual lets you use an array where you can set individual bits by their position (index), and whether they’re true or false.
- Composite lets you set individual bits using dropdowns.

Mode : Direct

This is probably the most useful & straightforward mode, as it can be set using an override pin.

Bitmask Sets the raw bitmask value, as an int64.
Op Which operation to do on the selected bit using the value set below.
Can be either:=, AND, OR, NOT, or XOR.
See below for more infos.

Mode : Individual

Individual mode lets you cherry pick which operation you want to perform on specific bits, using an array.
Note that the order of the array itself is of no consequence; the Bit Index property is what matters.

Individual Operation  
Bit Index The index of the bit this operation will be applied to.
Keep the ranges between 0 and 63
Op Which operation to do on the selected bit using the value set below.
Can be either:=, AND, OR, NOT, or XOR.
See below for more infos.
Value If Individual is selected, this an array where each bit is an index/operation pair.

Mode : Composite

This lets you set the full width of the int64 using a single dropdown per byte.

Op Which operation to do on the incoming flags using the bitmask created from the dropdowns.
Can be either:=, AND, OR, NOT, or XOR.
See below for more infos.
0-64 Bits If Composite is selected, a whole bunch of dropdowns will show up.


= Set the bit value, with no regard for its current value.

Available Cluster Filters

🝖 Adjacency

Check if adjacent node meet specific conditions

🝖 Edge Direction

Check if adjacent node meet specific conditions

🝖 Neighbors Count

Check a node’ neighbors count

Available Filters

🝖 Group (AND/OR)

The Group Filter allows setting up complex AND/OR branches.

🝖 Compare (Numeric)

The Numeric Comparison Filter compares the arithmetic value of two attributes

🝖 Compare (String)

The Compare String Filter compares two strings

🝖 Bool

The Bool Filter does a simple bool comparison

🝖 Dot Product

The Dot Product Filter compares the dot product of two direction vectors

🝖 Within Range

The Within Range Filter checks if a value is inside a given range

🝖 Modulo Comparison

The Modulo Comparison Filter compares the module value of two attributes against a third operand

🝖 Bounds

The Bounds Filter check if a point is inside or outside provided bounds

🝖 Bitmask

The Bitmask Filter compares a bitmask against another

🝖 Mean Value

The Mean Value Filter compares per-point values of an attribute against the mean statistical value of that same attribute.

🝖 Self Compare (Numeric)

The Numeric Comparison Filter compares the arithmetic value of two attributes

🝖 Self Compare (String)

The Compare String Filter compares two strings

🝖 Adjacency

Check if adjacent node meet specific conditions

🝖 Edge Direction

Check if adjacent node meet specific conditions

🝖 Neighbors Count

Check a node’ neighbors count