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Draw Attributes

Draw lines and points from attributes

This node is used in 100% of the screenshots of this documentation.

Points to read & draw attributes from
Unaltered inputs

Table of content

Each Draw Attribute node can display any number of things by fetching values from whatever point data is plugged into the input pin; in the order in which they are set up.

Individual Debug Settings

Property Description
Enabled Whether these settings are enabled or not. Allows to quickly turn a debug display on/off without deleting the entire entry.
Selector The attribute or property to draw.
Expressed As The type of shape/form that will be used to express the selected attribute or property.
Expression Settings
Depending on the selected expression, different settings are available. SeeExpressions.
Thickness & Size
Thickness The thickness of the debug line, when drawing a line.
Size How the Size is interpreted depends on the chosen expression. SeeExpressions.
Local Size Attribute When enabled, allows you to use a local attribute as a Size.
If enabled, the fixed Size attribute becomes a multiplier to the local attribute.
Color The debug color.
Local Color Attribute When enabled, allows you to use a local attribute instead of the default Color property.
Color Is Linear Specifies whether the Local Color attribute is linear (0-1 based) or hex (0-255).
If disabled, the attribute or property value will be divided by 255 internally.
Depth Priority Debug draw depth priority.
-1 : draw on top of everything.
0 : Regular depth sorting.
1 : Draw behind everything.


As of writing time, there are a few expression available:



Extra Properties
Normalize Before Sizing If enabled, the incoming vector will be normalized before it is resized and drawn.

Connection (Position)


Draws a line between the current point’ location and the selected attribute or property as a world space position.

Extra Properties
As an offset If enabled, the incoming vector will be used as an offset from the current point location.

Connection (Point Index)


Draws a line between the current point’ location and another point within the same group as a world space position.
The selected attribute or property is used as the index for the point to use as target position.

Extra Properties
As an offset If enabled, the incoming vector will be used as an offset from the current point location.

Note: this is a legacy tool for drawing edges, if using clusters, use Draw Edges instead.



Extra Properties
As an offset If enabled, the incoming vector will be used as an offset from the current point location.



Boolean is similar to Point, except it is drawn at the point’ location in space.
The debug color is selected based on the input value: If the value is <= 0 the base color will be picked; otherwise Secondary Color is used.

Extra Properties
Secondary Color The color to be used for values > 0.