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PCGEx | Probe : Index

Connects to a point at a given index

The Index probe …

A single probe, to be used with the 'Connect Points' node

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This probes creates a single connections to another point at a given index.



Property Description
Mode How the node is to interpret the target index value.
Index Safety Index safety is a recurring mechanism in PCGEx, see below for more infos.
Target Index Settings Β 
Target Index The type of value used for this probe’ index source; either a Constant value or fetched from anAttribute
Target Constant Constant index value; or constant offset depending on the selected Mode.
Target Attribute Per-point attribute value for the index/offset.


Mode Description
Target Use the target index value as a raw index to connect to.
One-way Offset Use the target index value as an offset to the currently probed point’ index.
Two-way Offset Use the target index value as an offset to the currently probed point’ index; and creates a second connection but this time using the target index value multiplied by -1.

Index Safety

The index safety property controls how invalid/out of bounds input values are handled.

Safety method Β 
Ignore Invalid indices will be ignored and won’t be processed further.
Tile Index is tiled (wrapped around) the context’ valid min/max range.
Clamp Index is clamped between the context’ valid min/max range.
Yoyo Index bounces back and forth between the context’ valid min/max range.