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🝊 Special Neighbors

PCGEx | Vtx : Special Neighbors

Gather infos from special-case neighbors

The Special Neighbors property outputs information about two key neighbors of a vertex β€” the one with the most connections (Largest Neighbor) and the one with the fewest connections (Smallest Neighbor). You can extract various attributes, such as edge direction, length, and vertex indices, for both of these special neighbors.

A single property writer

Table of content

The Special Neighbor property outputs the properties of the two β€œspecial” connected neighbors – special in the outlier sense : the Largest connected vtx, as well as the Smallest connected vtx – in terms of number of connectons.



Largest Neighbor

The Largest Neighbor is the connected Vtx with the largest number of connections.

Output Description
Direction Attribute
If enabled, writes the Edge’ direction to the specified attribute.
Invert Direction If enabled, will invert (*-1) the direction output above.
Length Attribute
If enabled, writes the Edge’’ length to the specified attribute.
Edge Index Attribute
If enabled, writes the Edge’’ point index to the specified attribute.
This is useful for targeted/cherry-picking manipulations.
Vtx Index Attribute
If enabled, writes the Vtx’ point index the Edge’ connects to, to the specified attribute.
This is useful for targeted/cherry-picking manipulations.
Neighbor Count Attribute
If enabled, writes the Vtx’ point neighbor count the Edge’ connects to, to the specified attribute.
Amongst other things, this can come in handy to drive the 🝰 Heuristic Attribute.

Smallest Neighbor

The Smallest Neighbor is the connected Vtx with the smallest number of connections.

Output Description
Direction Attribute
If enabled, writes the Edge’ direction to the specified attribute.
Invert Direction If enabled, will invert (*-1) the direction output above.
Length Attribute
If enabled, writes the Edge’’ length to the specified attribute.
Edge Index Attribute
If enabled, writes the Edge’’ point index to the specified attribute.
This is useful for targeted/cherry-picking manipulations.
Vtx Index Attribute
If enabled, writes the Vtx’ point index the Edge’ connects to, to the specified attribute.
This is useful for targeted/cherry-picking manipulations.
Neighbor Count Attribute
If enabled, writes the Vtx’ point neighbor count the Edge’ connects to, to the specified attribute.
Amongst other things, this can come in handy to drive the 🝰 Heuristic Attribute.