Cut Clusters
PCGEx | Cluster : Cut
Cut clusters using paths
The Cut Cluster node allows selective cutting of clusters by intersecting paths, with options to retain or remove affected edges and nodes, and includes adjustable behaviors for node and edge proximity, making it versatile for dividing clusters into distinct parts.
Endpoints of the input Edges
Edges associated with the input Vtxs
Target points to copy input clusters to.
Endpoints of the output Edges
Edges associated with the output Vtxs
Table of content
The Cut Cluster node is a path/cluster interop node. It uses input paths to “select” clusters parts they intersect with, and either keep or remove these parts. It’s especially useful to split clusters into multiple partitions using paths, but has many other uses.
It can operate on clusters edges only, nodes only, or both.
Property | Description |
Closed loop | |
Scope | The scope/selection of input data that are to be processed as closed paths or not. - All processes all input as selected below.- All but tagged inverts the scope based on tags.Default is, all paths are considered open, unless they are tagged with ClosedLoop .
Closed Loop | Whether to consider input data that are part of the scope as closed loop or not. |
Comma Separated Tags | Tags to check for. Any match uses the inverse of the above value. |
Property | Description |
Settings | |
Invert | Inverts the cutting behavior. Edges & nodes are kept in the vicinity of the path, instead of being removed. |
Mode | Which cluster components the node operates on. |
Node Expansion | Amount by which node bounds should be expanded for proximity testing. Uses node point’ bounds as a baseline. |
Affected Nodes Affect Connected Edges | If a node is kept or removed, so are its connected edges. |
Affected Edges Affect Endpoints | If an edge is kept or removed, so are its start and end points. This make the whichever mode is selected more “aggressive”. |
Keep Edges that connect valid nodes | When Invert is enabled, this keep edges that exist between two valid nodes.This make the overall pruning more conservative of edges. |
Handling | |
Nodes | Nodes are tested for proximity against the input paths. |
Edges | Edges are tested for intersection with the input paths. |
Edges & Nodes | Combines the two operations above. |