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MkFont got you covered


MkFont is under active development, as such you may encounter issues. In the unlikely event that you would, please report an issue on github!
Same place if you would like to suggest enhancements & features that would make MkFont even more useful for you :)


Make more with less!

A powerful component & compositing system, allowing for clever automation and infinite possibilities.

Unicode Browser

MkFont is Unicode compliant.

Code points are organized by categories & blocks, immediately accessible and search-able.

Live Reload

Watch your glyph self-update as you focus on designing them.

Bind your imported files to glyphs, or edit them on the fly. Use your time where it matters.

A discovery tool that offer more than meet the eye.

You can search for specific characters, but also names & attributes. The search can look for known character association & relationships, too!


Manipulates your data, doesn’t alter it.

MkFont respect your assets and allows for experimenting safely with different settings, until you find the one that suits your needs.

Ligatures made easy

Analyze text to find & add most common combinations

MkFont comes with a small tool that takes a text blurb to show you which group of letters are recurring – and create ligatures out of them.

Batch import

Quick & easy

Import loads of SVG at once, with multiple ways to assign them to glyphs/code-point.
Import directly to your current selection, or to specific Unicode blocks.

TTF import & editing

Start to work from, and explore existing fonts.

Import TTFs files in a single click, tweak them and re-export them in just a few clicks.

Live preview

Preview your font at any time, all the time.

(ok that one was a must have anyway)

3rd party automation

One-click documents & artboards setup, ready to export.

MkFont comes with built-in automation tools for Adobe© Illustrator, for an even smoother workflow. Finger crossed more tools gets that kind of support soon!

And more!

A bunch of discreet QoL features.

Lots of small options & features to make it easy to work with your glyphs with third parties such as Unity’ TextMeshPro.

Current limitation

MkFont does not support kerning pairs yet. And it may not ever.
Something that will be implemented in the future to circumvent that limitation is creating special ligatures that combine existing glyphs within the font, but it does come with other caveats such as issues arising when tweaking the letter spacing in the final rendering context. (>人<;)

Planned features

Here are some of the features currently under development or planned to be, at some point, soon, maybe.
In no particular order.

Working title Use
Showcase Generator Quickly generate a nice looking visual with your glyphs to showcase it, exports as a .png file.
Glyph as components Ability to combine existing glyph into another. This would be especially useful in order to re-user marks & modifier along with unmodified glyphs and not duplicate the work/amount of assets required to have a fully functional font
Glyph layers Similar to Glyph as components, working the ability to use existing glyphs as additional “layers” inside another Glyph. Glyph would either be used as-is, or with its path reversed in order to create “holes” – hence making icon font much more flexible.
Add existing glyph to Adobe© Illustrator automation Currently the Adobe© Illustrator automation only creates blank templates. Wouldn’t it be nice if it could also import existing glyphs within the font?