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Prune edges by Length



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This node has been deprecated because other, more robust systems allow to reproduce its exact behavior, with the added benefit of outputing tons of useful data in the same processing time.
Edge properties are often used somewhere at least once if there’s a need to prune them by length; and Refining by Filter allow additional filtering criterias in a single run as well.

This node has been DEPRECATED. Instead, you can reproduce its behavior with the combination of nodes below.
It will continue to exist where it used to, but won’t be maintained and my cause crashes in the future.


You can find the above graph in the plugin’ content folder : /PCGExtendedToolkit/Subgraphs/PCGEx_PruneEdgeByLength_Replacement

Easy pruning

If you just want to exclude edge above or below a certain fixed length – i.e any edge longer than 500 or any edge shorter than 42, just do the following:

Exclude any edge longer than X


Measure: Absolute, Mean Method: Fixed, Mean Value: 500, Exclude Above : 0. This basically Exclude all edges which length is above 500 + 0.

Exclude any edge shorter than X


Measure: Absolute, Mean Method: Fixed, Mean Value: 42, Exclude Below : 0. This basically Exclude all edges which length is below 42 - 0.