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Plot Navmesh

Sample the navmesh to find a path that goes through multiple chained points.

The Plot Navmesh node …

Plot points in the form of points collections.
A single path per plot collection input

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Important: Currently, the navigation data used by the node is the one returned by GetDefaultNavDataInstance(); hence it requires a navmesh to be built and loaded at the time of execution.


Property Description
Add Seed to Path Prepends the seed position at the beginning of the output path.
This will create a point with the position of the seed.
Add Goal to Path Appends the goal position at the end of the output path.
This will create a point with the position of the goal.
Add Plot Points to Path Include plot points positions as part of the output path.
Require Naviguable End Location Ensures the picked goal is close enough to an naviguable location, otherwise doesn’t generate a path.
Fuse Distance Fuse points in the sampled path that are too close together.
The navigation system may sometimes generate intricate paths which points that are very close to each other, which may or may not be suitable for your usecase. This settings gives you a bit of control over that.
Blending Controls how data is blended on the path points between the Seed and Goal point.
See Blending.

Remaining properties are Unreal’ navigation system query specifics. Despite using the right API, they seem to be ignored for the most part, which is something I need to look into.