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πŸ– Edge Direction

PCGEx | Cluster Filter : Edge Direction

Check if adjacent node meet specific conditions

The Edge Direction filter compares the direction of connections using a dot product, providing precise control over how many directions meet the set conditions, allowing tests against both discrete and relative number of connections.

A single cluster filter definition

Table of content

The Edge Direction filter does a simple dot product comparison on each individual connections’ direction, and offer fine grained control over what qualifies as a β€œsuccess”, based on how many directions passed the comparison or not. What makes it equally useful and tricky to set-up is its ability to test against either a discrete number of connection, or relative ones.




Property Description
Settings Β 
Priority Defines the order in which this flag operation will be processed.
See Flag Nodes
Comparison Quality Defines the method used for comparison.
- Dot is precise (easily returns false)
- Hash method is approximative (easily returns true)


Property Description
Settings Β 
Mode The mode lets you choose how to set the flags value, as a user.
- Direct is probably the most useful, as it can be set using an override pin.
- Individual lets you use an array where you can set individual bits by their position (index), and whether they’re true or false.
- Composite lets you set individual bits using dropdowns.

Mode : All

This mode consolidate all the connections’ values into a single one to test against.

Consolidation Β 
Individual Test individual neighbors one by one
Individual Test against averaged value of all neighbors
Individual Test against the Min value of all neighbors
Individual Test against the Max value of all neighbors
Individual Test against the Sum value of all neighbors


Mode : Some

This mode test individual connections, but only some of them are required to pass for the entire filter to be considered a success.
How that β€œsome” is defined relies on a comparison against a threshold: how many neighbors pass the test vs. how many neighbors there are.

Threshold Settings Β 
Threshold Comparison TBD
Threshold Type TBD
Threshold Source TBD
Discrete Threshold TBD
Relative Threshold TBD
Threshold Attribute TBD
Threshold Source TBD
Rounding TBD
Threshold Tolerance TBD


Direction Order TBD
Compare Against TBD
Direction Constant TBD
Direction Attribute TBD
Comparison How to compare Operand A against Operand B
See Flag Nodes
Transform Direction TBD
Operand B (Neighbor) TBD

Dot Comparison Details

Dot Comparison Details

Property Description
Comparison Which comparison to use.
See Numeric comparisons.
Dot Units Let you choose to work either with normalized dot range (-1 / 1) or degrees.
This affects how the attribute Dot value will be interpreted as well.
Unsigned Dot When enabled, the comparison will occur against an absolute dot value.
This is especially useful when testing against undirected lines.
Dot Value The type of value used for this probe’ search radius; either a Constant value or fetched from anAttribute
(Dot or Degrees) Constant Constant to compare against.
(Dot or Degrees) Attribute Constant to compare against.
(Dot or Degrees) Tolerance Comparison tolerance, if the selected comparison is an approximative (~) one.