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Sort Points (Static)

Sort points using any number of properties and attributes

The Sort Points node organize points based on rules. Key elements include sorting direction (ascending/descending) and rules defined in a specific order. Each rule compares a selected attribute with a tolerance for equality. Note the warning on comparing values, emphasizing the default use of the first component for multi-component types.

Points to sort
Sorted points

Table of content


Property Description
Sort Direction The output sorting direction – Ascending (small values first) or Descending (high values first).
Rules A list of ordered individual rules used for sorting the points.

Rules ordering

Rules are compared in the same order as in the property panel, starting at index 0.
The sorting goes through each rules until it finds a valid comparison (non-equal values) – for each point.

Sorting Rule


Property Description
Selector An attribute or property to compare. See Attribute Selectors.
Tolerance Equality tolerance used when comparing two values.
Invert Rule Switches from the default < comparison to >.

When selecting a value to compare, keep in mind that it will be broadcasted to a double type. This means that if you don’t specify which component to use on multi-component type (Vectors, Transforms, etc), it will default to the first one (X).