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I’m Tim!

I made this.

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I made PCGEx as a way to bring some my personal Houdini toolkit into Unreal, and figured it could be useful to my fellow artists and designers.

I love my current workflow & tools when it comes to procedural generation, and often needed ways to generate data & structures to… well, generate more data and structures to spawn stuff on.
Unreal PCG has powerful tools to generate and work with splines, but unless you’re making them by hand, spline are a pain to manipulate and maintain at scale – that’s the main reason why I wanted to have tools to create graphs and pathfind in them. Turns out, it’s useful for plenty of other things :)

Special Thanks

Massive kudo to MikeC, who has been an early adopter, and whose feedback and suggestions tremendously helped make PCGEx a better and more useful tool <3
Also thanks to Sinbad, as I shamelessly pasted some of his C++ formatting and practices for this documentation ^_^

Source code

PCGEx is licensed under MIT : if you want to look at the code, or if you’re worried it could hurt your machine, the code is available in full on github. It does not rely on nor embbed any third party library/dlls.


If you encounter a bug, please fill an issue here.
Please provide as much information as you can (stack traces, node setup, …).

Improvement & Feature Requests

If you have a feature or improvement requestion, please start a discussion here!

Footnotes & Credits

  • I am not affiliated with Unreal!
  • Photo of Edsger W. Dijkstra from Wikipedia, (c) Hamilton Richards / CC BY-SA 3.0 : source
  • Photo of Bertran Raphael from Wikipedia, (c) Blogjack / CC BY-SA 3.0 : source