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Cluster Filters

Cluster-specific filters

The Cluster Filters are a sub-collection of filters that only works with certain specific cluster processing nodes, that can work with more rely on intrinsinc & relational data comparisons from either vtx or edges specifically.

Cluster filters are primarily designed to be used with nodes like Refine and Node Flag.

Available Filters (Node/Vtx)

🝖 Adjacency (Node)

Check if adjacent node meet specific conditions

🝖 Edge Direction (Node)

Check if adjacent node meet specific conditions

🝖 Neighbors Count (Node)

Check a node’ neighbors count

Available Filters (Edge)

🝖 Edge Direction (Edge)

Check if the edge direction is within a given range.

🝖 Endpoints Compare (Numeric)

Compare the value of an attribute on each of the edge endpoint.

🝖 Endpoints Compare (String)

Compare the value of an attribute on each of the edge endpoint.

🝖 Neighbors Count (Edge)

Check a node’ neighbors count