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Delaunay 2D / 3D, Voronoi 2D / 3D


Classic graphs are very basic generators that can turn any random point cloud into a nicely interconnected structure.
Delaunay & Voronoi are two of the most popular algorithms to achieve that; as they offer the benefit of interesting & useful properties.

Note that the 3D version of those generators requires the points to NOT be coplanar for the maths to work – you’ll be prompted to use the 2D version otherwise.

Available Diagrams

Delaunay 2D

Outputs a 2D Delaunay triangulation.

Voronoi 2D

Outputs a 2D Voronoi graph.

Delaunay 3D

Outputs a 3D Delaunay tetrahedralization.

Voronoi 3D

Outputs a 3D Voronoi graph.