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PCGEx | Cluster : Relax

Relax points positions of a graph.

The Relax node smooths a graph’s point positions by applying iterative relaxation algorithms, allowing control over the number of iterations, type of relaxation, and influence settings for fine-tuning results.

Endpoints of the input Edges
Edges associated with the input Vtxs
Endpoints of the output Edges
Edges associated with the output Vtxs

Table of content

The relax point node smoothes cluster’ topology by iteratively applying a given relaxation algorithm.



Property Description
Iterations The number of time to additively apply the relaxing algorithm.
Each iteration uses the previous’ iteration results.
Relaxing This property lets you select which kind of relaxing you want to apply to the input clusters.
Specifics of the instanced module will be available under its inner Settings section.
See .
Influence Interpolate between the original position and the final, relaxed position.
- 1.0 means fully relaxed
- 0.0 means the original position is preserved.
Local Influence If enabled, will use a per-point attribute value as Influence.
Progressive Influence Switchs betweeen factoring the influence after each per-iteration (progressive) or once all iterations have been processed.
This yields vastly different results, so don’t hesite to try it.

Influence Settings

Relaxing modules

☍ Laplacian

Laplacian / Poisson relaxation

The Laplacian relaxation …

☍ Force Directed

Force-directed relaxation

The Force-directed relaxation …

Cluster Output Settings

See Working with Clusters.

Property Description
Edge Position If enabled, edge point’ position will be the result of that value used as a lerp between its start and end Vtx point.
Min Vtx Count If enabled, only ouputs clusters that have more ( > ) Vtx than the specified number.
Max Vtx Count If enabled, only ouputs clusters that have less ( < ) Vtx than the specified number.
Min Edge Count If enabled, only ouputs clusters that have more ( > ) Edge than the specified number.
Max Edge Count If enabled, only ouputs clusters that have less ( < ) Edge than the specified number.
Refresh Edge Seed If enabled, Edge points gets a fresh seed.
Build and Cache Cluster If enabled, pre-build and cache cluster along with the point data.
This has a slight memory cost associated to it, but can offer tremendous performance improvement.
If disabled, cluster processors that comes down the line have to rebuild clusters from point data, which is very costly as they are also tested for errors and possible disconnections in the process.
Expand Clusters If enabled, also build & cache another layer of cache data.
This can have a significant memory cost, as well as a minimal performance overhead, but can greatly improve certain specific operations down the line.