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Properties : Vtx

PCGEx | Cluster : Vtx Properties

Compute vtx extra data

The Vtx Properties node allows you to compute and write additional data for vertices within a cluster. It utilizes external nodes to define individual property outputs. You can input multiple property nodes, ensuring unique names for each to avoid overwriting issues.

Endpoints of the input Edges
Edges associated with the input Vtxs
Individual 'Vtx Property' nodes
Endpoints of the output Edges
Edges associated with the output Vtxs

Table of content

The Vtx Properties node lets you extract & write cluster-related properties to individual Vtx points. Individual output definitions/settings use external nodes.


Property Nodes

Properties input are at the core of the Vtx Properties node.
You can connect as many properties node as you’d like to the Properties input.

Make sure not to use duplicate output names otherwise they will overwrite each other in no guaranteed order.

🝊 Special Edges

Gather infos from special-case edges

🝊 Special Neighbors

Gather infos from special-case neighbors

🝊 Edge Match

Find the neighbors that best match a given direction


Property Description
Edge Count If enabled, output the number of edges this vtx is connected to.
Normal If enabled, output the averaged normal of the vtx based on all connected edges.
This output is hardly usable for highly 3-dimensional nodes.