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∷ General

Notes & informations

This section is dedicated to broader & shared documentation topics. Node specifics can be found on the dedicated node page.

When working with specific nodes, make sure to check out the home of the category they belong to as it often contains important infos pertaining to their family of nodes as a whole!


General concepts & disambiguation

An overview of the concepts PCGEx uses, and assumption around the meaning of certain keywords.

PCGEx Nodes

Shared concepts

A summary of the informations & parameters available on every PCGEx node.

Attribute Selectors

Selecting sub-components and fields

Attribute selection are not just names, but also provide additional way to select more specific data from a given attribute.

Working with Clusters

Vtx? Edges?

A summary of what “graph” means and entails in the context of PCGEx.


PCGEx’ comparison overview

This page lists the comparison used by a bunch of different nodes.


PCGEx’ blendings overview

This page lists the blending used by a bunch of different nodes.

Some topics and their modules are more complex, and have a dedicated section:

Modules & Sub-processors

Modules and sub-processors are instanced classes used across a variety of nodes.