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All-around, generic utility nodes.

Misc Nodes

Sort Points

Sort points using any number of properties and attributes

Partition by Values

Create complex partitions from multiple criteria

Fuse Points

Proximity-based point pruning and blending.

Points to Bounds

Convert point clouds to a single bounding point

Attribute To Tags

Transfer attribute values to collection tags

Attribute Stats

Compute attribute statistics & unique values

Find point on Bounds (Any)

Find a point closest to a bound-relative position.

Collocation Count

Cherry pick points using their indices.

Destroy Actor

Destroys target actors created by the same PCG Component

Meta Filter

Filter point collections based on tags & attributes using string queries

Write Index

Write current point index to an attribute

Cherry Pick Points

Cherry pick points using their indices.

Reverse Points Order

Reverse current points order. Way faster than reverse index sort.

Batch Actions

A node that batche-process individual actions


Get/Set GUID in a wide range of formats


Artificially drive loop subgraph iteration count

Merge Points by Tags

Merge points based on shared tags

Meta Cleanup

Keep/Remove tags & attributes using string queries

Refresh Seed

Refreshes point seeds based on their position.

Discard by Points Count

Filter point dataset by their point count.

Discard by Overlap

Kindda like self-pruning but for collections.


Various unusual transform …

Lloyd Relax

Two nodes to conveniently relax point data.