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Smooth points properties and attributes

The Smooth node enhances path appearance. Customize closed paths, protect start and end points. Adjust global influence for overall smoothing. Use local influence to tailor per-point impact. Explore different smoothing types for varied effects.

Paths which points will be smoothed
Paths with updated points positions

Table of content


Property Description
Closed Path If enabled, will process input paths as closed, effectively wrapping first and last point.
Preserve Start If enabled, the first point will be unaffected by the smoothing
Same as if its local influence was 0.
Preserve End If enabled, the last point will be unaffected by the smoothing
Same as if its local influence was 0.
Influence Global influence.
This is used as a value to lerp the smoothed points properties with the unsmoothed one.
- 0 = Not smoothed
- 1 = Fully smoothed
Local Influence If enabled, the influence property is applied per-point using the specified attribute from the point being smoothed.
Smoothing This property lets you select which kind of smoothing you want to apply to the input paths.
See Available Smoothing Modules.

Smoothing modules


Radius & position-based sampling

Moving Average

Index-based moving-average sampling