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Create sub-points between existing points

The Subdivide Path nodes create new point between existing ones on a path. Define closure behavior, choose a subdivide method (Distance or Count), and specify an amount. Opt for blending options to refine subpoints further.

Paths which segments will be subdivided
Subdivided paths

Table of content


Property Description
Closed Path If enabled, will process input paths as closed, effectively wrapping first and last point.
Subdivide Method Method to be used to define how many points are going to be inserted between existing ones.
See Subdivide Method
Distance or Count Based on the method, specifies how many points will be created.
Blending This property lets you select which kind of blending you want to apply to the input paths.
See Available Blending Modules.

Subdivide Method

Method Description
Distance will create a new point every X units inside existing segments, as specified in the Distance property.
Smaller values will create more points, larger values will create less points.
Count will create X new points for each existing segments, as specified in the Count property.

Distance will create more uniform looking subdivisions, while Count is more predictable.



⋰ Interpolate

Interpolates values between first and last point.

Processed subpoints properties & attributes will lerp between the first and last subpoints.

⋰ Inherit First

Copy the first point’ values

Processed subpoints will inherit from the first properties & attributes. Nothing fancy about it.

⋰ Inherit Last

Copy the last point’ values

Processed subpoints will inherit from the last properties & attributes. Nothing fancy about it.