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Data from nearest points, polylines, surfaces, …

Extract data from surroundings

PCGEx comes with a collection of “sampling” nodes. They’re basically all designed to extract information & data from their surroundings, one way or another – from overlaps, to line traces, to bounds or proximity.
The general philosophy behind sampling nodes is to expose data, and makes no assumption about their possible usage; hence they all write new data but never modify existing ones; unless you enable blending operations on capable nodes.

“Sampling” may comes out as a bit of a misnomer : contrary to vanilla PCG Sampler nodes, PCGEx’ Sampling nodes do not generate new points, and instead relies on existing points as spatial references to drive queries.

Sampling Nodes

Sample Nearest Surface

Sample information from the nearest mesh collision

Sample Line Trace

Sample environment using line casting

Wait for PCG Data

Wait for PCG Components data to be available and grabs it.

Sample Nearest Spline

Sample informations from the nearest spline

Sample Nearest Points

Sample points within a spherical range

Sample Nearest Bounds

Sample within bounds

Sample Overlap Stats

Compute overlap statistics between point collections


Nodes that work with textures

Sample Neighbors

Sample points based on edge connections

Pack Actor Data

Conveniently process actors and output data using custom blueprints

Sample Inside Bounds

Sample target points contained within bounds.