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Modules & Documentation

This section is dedicated to broader pathfinding topics & modules. Node specifics can be found on their dedicated node page.


Edges Pathfinding

Find paths connecting seeds to goals.

Plot Edges Pathfinding

Find a path that goes through multiple chained points.

How pathfinding works

Although details vary a bit depending on the selected ⊚ Search algorithm, the basic gist is, for each path & cluster:

  1. A suitable Seed and Goal point (Vtx) are picked within the cluster.
  2. The Search Algorithm will then find the best path that goes from Seed to Goal, accounting for its internal maths, relying on 🝰 Heuristics to determine whether one connection is better than another.
  3. Once a path is found between a given Seed and its Goal, traversed points are then added to a dataset, in order from Seed (start) to Goal (end).

Note: The Seed and Goal node are picked based on closest distance to input positions only (point bounds are ignored)

Starting from the seed, each “next step” is weighted according to the V Vertex weight and the E Edge weight that connects to it.
The search returns the path found with the lowest possible weight, or score.

While the selected search algorithm is important, 🝰 Heuristics are more critical to the operation, as user-defined weights can drastically change and shape the path deemed best by the search.

Note: The Plot nodes variations don’t have a goal picker and instead process each point Dataset as a list of points to go through from start to finish. The first point is the initial seed, the last point is the final goal, and then a path is found that goes through each point in-between, in order.

Pathfinding Nodes

Edges Pathfinding

Find paths connecting seeds to goals.

Plot Edges Pathfinding

Find a path that goes through multiple chained points.

Find Contours

Find edge contours & outlines

Find All Cells

Find all cells within a cluster

Grow Paths

Grows paths from seeds alone.

Note that there is also two hidden node that enable pathfinding using the existing navmesh: Navmesh Pathfinding and Plot Navmesh. They’re not part of the main pool because they’re very legacy. They can still be very useful if you do level blocking with a navmesh, not so much for open world.

Available 🝰 Heuristics modules

🝰 Heuristic Attribute

Attribute-driven heuristics

The Attribute heuristics uses custom point or edge value as raw score.

🝰 Shortest Distance

Favor shortest distance.

The Shortest Distance heuristic node …

🝰 Feedback

Favor uncharted points & edges.

The Feedback heuristic add/remove score value to points & edges that are “in use” by other previously computed paths.

🝰 Inertia

Favor active direction preservation.

The Inertia heuristic uses the ongoing traversal data to try and maintain a consistent direction, as if the algorithm had “inertia”.

🝰 Steepness

Favor flat trajectories.

The Steepness heuristic uses the edge angle against an up vector to compute a dot product that is used to determine whether the edge should be considered flat or not.

🝰 Azimuth

Favor edges directed toward the goal.

The Azimuth heuristic attempt to force the path to always aim toward the goal.

🝰 Least Nodes

Favor traversing the least amount of nodes.

The Least Nodes heuristic favor node count traversal over anything else.

Available ⊚ Search modules


Dijkstra’s Algorithm

Dijkstra’s Algorithm implementation.

A* Star

A* Algorithm

A* Algorithm implementation.